Simplify your school's classroom, hall, and space bookings

Bookteq is the UK’s leading classroom booking software used for online bookings management for a variety of school spaces. From classrooms and school halls, to sport facilities, and community spaces – our scheduling software does it all.

With Bookteq you can offer school hirers a seamless self-service experience, save precious staff time, and increase classroom bookings.

Streamline your classroom and school space bookings


Bookteq’s Workspace makes it easy for school staff to process large volumes of bookings efficiently. With block bookings, approvals, calendar scheduling, reservations, online invoicing, and payment plan features all streamlining the booking process for your school.

Simplify booking for school hirers

Online Booking + Customer Portal

Make classroom bookings a breeze with Bookteq’s user-friendly Online Booking Calendar. Embed a live calendar on your school’s website, allowing school hirers to check availability and book online effortlessly. The Customer Portal allows room hirers access to view and manage their bookings, make payments, access payment plans, as well as submit new booking requests online.

Enjoy increased customer convenience and more bookings, all while saving valuable school staff and volunteer time.

Increase school space bookings

Playfinder integration

Increase school bookings by seamlessly integrating with Playfinder, the UK’s leading sports and space hire marketplace. Reach a broader audience and simplify the booking process for users searching for spaces to hire.

FAQs - classroom booking software

Q: How does your software ensure safeguarding measures are upheld when accepting bookings within our school premises?

A: With Bookteq’s robust Approvals feature, school managers have the ability to thoroughly vet hirers. This includes the authority to approve or decline bookings, as well as the flexibility to regulate the times during which community members can access school spaces

Q: Will school staff be able to generate reports or analytics related facility usage and booking trends using Bookteq?

A: Yes, the Bookteq Workspace has embedded reporting and analytics features, allowing administrators to track facility usage, analyse booking trends, and make informed decisions to optimise resource allocation and enhance operational efficiency.

Q: Can Bookteq differentiate between different activities at the same venue?

A: Absolutely. Bookteq is ideal for managing multi-purpose venues that cater to different activities at different times.

Q: What types of venues can Bookteq be used for?

A: Bookteq is designed to manage bookings for various venues and spaces, including classrooms, school halls, town halls, church halls, community centres, fitness studios, sports halls, dance studios, meeting rooms, sports pitches and courts, and any space that is available for community lettings.

How does Bookteq handle cancellations and rescheduling?

A: Bookteq provides a user-friendly interface for customers to manage cancellations and rescheduling, reducing the administrative burden on your staff.

Q: Can Bookteq help us track and manage payments for venue bookings?

A: Yes, the Bookteq Workspace is an ideal tool for staff to easily track and manage payments. While the Customer Portal allows your customers to make payments, view payment history, and access convenient payment plans for streamlined financial management.

Schools managing classroom bookings with Bookteq

Haberdashers’ Academies Trust South

Haberdashers’ Academies Trust South is a multi-academy trust in South London and Kent. They have a variety of excellent classroom, hall, and sport facilities that they hire out to the community. They manage their bookings internally using Bookteq’s Workspace and also list their classrooms and sport facilities on Playfinder, making it easy for school hirers to find and book online. Read their case study to see how their school lettings management has improved within 18 months of joining Bookteq, by Playfinder.

Coombe Wood School

Coombe Wood School manage their classroom, hall, space hire, and sport facility bookings through Bookteq’s Fully Managed School Lettings service. They also have their spaces and sport facilities listed on Playfinder to increase visibility and bookings.

Stanley Primary School

Stanley Primary School manage their their classroom, multi purpose room, IT room, studio, playground, kitchen, and sport facility bookings with Bookteq’s Workspace. These facilities can also be booked online through Playfinder here.

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