Benefits of owning a 3G pitch

Why should you invest in a 3G pitch and what are the benefits? In this blog, we cover 5 things you need to know about 3G astroturf pitches.

3G pitches have become a staple in community sport since the turn of the century. The durability of these pitches means they can withstand thousands of playing hours without having to be replaced or serviced. They can also be played on all year round, meaning you can make the most from your investment.

Cost of a 3G Pitch in 2023

Here are 5 things you need to know about 3G pitches:

1) Amazing ‘All weather’ surface

3G football pitches are perfect in all weather conditions. Players can play in the rain or when the sun shines without worrying about the venue surface deteriorating or any weather cancellations. You don’t have to worry about the maintenance of waterlogged pitches or deal with a hard and dry surface, unlike natural grass surfaces.

2) 3G pitches are low maintenance

3G pitches have artificial grass with permanent line markings, therefore groundskeepers don’t need to worry about repainting lines every few weeks. Here are a number of things to consider when it comes to pitch maintenance:

  • Drag brushing should be carried out at least once a week. This maintains a consistent distribution of rubber infills and raises the carpet pile.
  • Deep cleaning should be carried out every one or two years by a specialist. This helps to remove dust, debris and broken-down carpet fibre.
  • Weeds and moss can sometimes grow, which may need treatment. If left untreated, this can pose health and safety risks to players in the form of slip hazards.

3) Low cases of Injuries 

Another reason to consider 3G pitches is low cases of injuries to players. 3G pitches absorb the impact of trips and falls whereas unbalanced grass surfaces or post-rain grass surfaces can lead to injury risks.

National governing bodies (NGBs) have shown evidence that there are no negative health effects associated with rubber infill used in synthetic turf. NGBs state that they have taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the pitches they use and fund in England are safe and aren’t hazardous to health.

Here are some facts about the use of artificial pitches in the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup:

  • In 2015 the tournament held matches on artificial turf for the first time. According to world football’s governing body’s technical report and statistics, they found out that “there was no significant difference regarding injuries sustained there and those on the grass at previous editions.”
  • It was shown that the overall injury rate was 2.1% per match. This was lower than the overall injury rate at both the 2007 (2.3%) and 2011 (2.3%) Women’s World Cups, which were played exclusively on grass.
  • The injury rate was also equal to or less than the rate at women’s matches played on grass pitches at the previous four Olympics Games.

4) Environment & local community 

3G pitches are very eco-friendly. This means 3G pitches don’t require any toxic chemicals, pesticides or fertilisers for their regular maintenance. 3G pitches are also known for their excellent playing characteristics in terms of ball roll and ball bounce, providing a high-quality experience for players.

The main benefit of 3G pitches is the revenue stream it offers to venues by hiring out to the local community. For example,  Tooting and Mitcham United Football Club hire out their 3g pitch to the local community.

Booking breakdown:

  • 11-a-side all-weather 3G pitch (made up 6% of all bookings)
  • 7-a-side all-weather 3G pitch (made up 94% of all bookings)

Through operating with Bookteq, Tooting and Mitcham United witnessed utilisation increase by 29%.

5) 3G pitch hire & cost

Although initial installation of 3G pitches can be expensive, the great thing about installing a 3G pitch is they can be tailored to fit your budget. You don’t need to worry about any extra costs. You choose the size, colour and texture. S & C Slatter is one of the best contraction companies for installing  3G pitches. Compared to many companies they give you a free consultation for your space and provide funding to help their clients.

Once your pitch is installed, you can look to hire your pitch out to gain revenue back on your investment. You could take on Bookteq by Playfinder, to manage bookings, customers and take payments online for your sports facilities. The platform is ideal for someone looking to maximise the utilisation of a 3G pitch. Venues operating with Bookteq have seen utilisation rates increase by up to 35%.

If you would like to hear more about the management of your facilities register your interest via our live chat 

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